The film "Celeste Aida" was created as a personal project. I recruited in myself the skills and knowledge I acquired during my years of work in 3D animation and put them in to work on the film. The inspiration stemmed from a desire to express the classic spirit in the 3D animation medium. I picked the Opera as a rich artistic tradition I like.
Following many hours of watching recent animation videos, my general impression is that, to one degree or another, most nowadays animators and directors tend to create 3D movies with a 'cartoonish' flavor; The character design of said movies and usually also the movement, is characterized by grotesque or comic gaiety embodied in the classical animation paradigms of styles for over a century. Of course, nothing is wrong with caroon styleanimation, I have done it myself. Yet I do point out that 3D animation can follow other syles as well.
Before I got the idea of creating a 3D animation of the opera, I modeled an Egyptian character based on a picture of Tutankhamen, not knowing yet where that charachter would lead me.
This 63 seconds film is trying to show a semi real character, performing theatrical drama, moving freely beyond stage restrictions, showing realistic human mimicry.